I have to admit, I am not a huge Judy
Blume reader! But when I came across this book when I was in the fifth grade, I did start to read it but I couldn’t
finish reading it because I thought it was mature for me to read. Now that I am
much older, I thought I should try reading it again just for the fun of it and
it turns out it was one of her better books that Judy Blume wrote.
Tiger Eyes was about a teenage girl
named Davey whose father was murdered and her mother and her little brother,
Jason, had deal with the loss of losing a husband and father. When Davey’s Aunt
Bitsy (Elizabeth) and Uncle Walter invited the family to live with them for a
few weeks after school started in New Mexico, which means leaving Atlantic
City, New Jersey. While living in New Mexico with Aunt Bitsy and Uncle Walter
three events happened with Davey and Jason. First, their mother had fallen ill,
which means the week stay in New Mexico turned into an entire fall semester at
school! Therefore, Davey and Jason had to enroll into a new school. Second,
Davey meets a mysterious young man named Wolf, they become great friends, and
Davey feels that Wolf understands her more then most people. Third, Davey had
to learn how to adjust living with her aunt and uncle while figuring out how to
live without her father. For the
most part, I do think Judy Blume did a great job giving personality and life
into her characters in this particular story.
I think Tiger Eyes was a great book
to read because it was full of tragedy, romance, and dealing with family
matters. If you are not a Judy
Blume fan I would just say that I think this is by far the best book she has
ever written, trust me on this I have
read plenty of her books . . . or tried to anyways; to know that she is not one
of my favorite authors. With that being said . . . Happy Easter everyone!
Trivia Questions:
1) Who came up with the nickname Tiger for Davey? Why?
2) Why did Wolf keep on calling Davey Tiger Eyes?
3) What did Davey and Wolf have in common?
4) In the beginning of the school year in Atlantic City, New Jersey Davey started to faint! What caused Davey to faint?
Blume, Judy. Tiger Eyes. Scarsdale: Delacorte Press, 1981. Print.
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