Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Homeless Bird written by Gloria Whelan

This book is my ultimate favorite ( I know shocking it's not written by Jodi Picoult) but I love it.

Homeless Bird is written by Gloria Whelan and it is about a girl name Koly. I'm not sure where it takes place but my guess on the location is in India, based on the character's name they are not American. Anyways, the story is Koly has to go through an arranged marriage at a young age and move into her husband's family. After moving into her new family's home, Koly went through a lot of trials and heartbreak events that made her stronger in the end. Without giving too much of the book away, let's just say that Koly's in-laws did not like her and she always felt like the ugly duckling.

I was introduced to this book when I was in the 7th grade in a bookclub group at school, since then I could not put this book down (I have re-read this book at least four times). I love how the Gloria Whelan developed her characters and each one has a different personality. I also love Gloria's flow of writing and the setting where she placed her characters. I do not know if Gloria Whelan had written another book or not but I will search for more eventually.

In concluding, Homeless Bird is an excellent book for people who are looking for an adventure and also a love story. This book is truly a masterpiece.

Trivia Questions:
1) Why did Koly's husband's family want her to be married into the family?

2) Why couldn't Koly go back to her family? What would happen if she did?

What skill did Koly's sister-in-law wish Koly taught her and why?

Whelan, Gloria. Homeless bird. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers, 2000. Print.

I want to put citations in my blogs to show credit to the author(s) and editor(s) who worked on the book. The description above are my words. 

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