Monday, June 18, 2018

Comparing Hary Potter and the Half - Blood Prince written by J.K. Rowling


(The book on the left is the US version and the book on the right is the UK version)

     When comparing Harry Potter and the Half - Blood Price, the sixth book of the Harry Potter series, I found nothing different between the books. The text were the same between the US and the UK versions, the US had pictures and the UK did not, and the US had a Table of Contents and UK did not. Pretty much everything was the same that I have covered before in my previous posts, except that Halloween was not . The  only difference were the page numbers, the US had 652 pages and the UK had 607 pages.

***If you want to read the other posts that I previously did, here are the dates that I posted each book:

Book 1 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer/Philosopher's Stone - April 8, 2017

Book 2 Harry Potter and the Chambers of Secrets - May 5, 2017

Book 3 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - July 2, 2017

Book 4 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - November 8, 2017

Book 5 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - November 29, 2017

Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. New York: Scholastic, 2005. Print.
Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. London: Bloomsbury, 2005. Print.